SE01 Sergey Ermasov: "The Crisis in Russian Innovation Activity" --Apr 16, 2011 (in Russian)
SE02 Борис Егоров (Boris Egorov): Обман в русской культуре (Deceit in Russian Culture) --Apr 15, 2013 (in Russian)
(1/2)SG02 Anna Gladkova (Анна Гладкова):«ПлюрализмвроссийскихСМИ» [Diversity and the Mass Media in Contemporary Russia] О России по-русски! / On Russia in Russian! --February 6, 2014 | in Russian
(2/2)SG02 Anna Gladkova (Анна Гладкова):«ПлюрализмвроссийскихСМИ» [Diversity and the Mass Media in Contemporary Russia] О России по-русски! / On Russia in Russian! --February 6, 2014 | in Russian
SH01 Stephen Cohen & Katrina vanden Heuvel: Revisiting the Fall of the Soviet Union Conference Book Presentations
SH02 Adrienne Harris: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya 1986-2011: The Resurrections of a Soviet Saint in Today’s Russia -11/7/11
SI01 Guzel Vazykhovna Ibneyeva: " Имперская политика Екатерины II в зеркале венценосных путешествий"“Imperial Politics of Catherine the Great Seen Through the Prism of her Royal Travel” --Oct 23, 2012 (in Russian)
SK02Elena Kraineva: "The Unknown Glinka" --Jan 11, 2011 (in Russian)
SK03 Sergey Kazakovtsev: "Response to the First World War on the Part of the Russian Population --the Case of the Viatsk Gubernia"
SK04 Maya Kucherskaya: Church and Society in Contemporary Russia; Horizons of Knowledge Lecture --Nov 4, 2013
SK05 Майя Кучерская «Основные механизмы современного литературногороцесса в России, (Principal mechanisms of the contemporary literary process in Russia); О России по-русски! / On Russia in Russian! --Nov 11, 2013 (in Russian)
Ekaterina Levko: "США глазами российских студентов", (Russian Student Perceptions of the USA) --January 13, 2014 (in Russian)
SM2Sergei Miniaev (Сергей Миняев): Институт истории материальной культуры: История и современность; "The Institute for the History of Material Culture: History and Modern Activity" --Dec. 3, 2012 (in Russian)
Anton Morozov: Российско-американские отношения в массовом сознании и общественной мысли в годы революций и Гражданской войны (1917-1922); "The image of Russian-American relations in mass consciousness and public thought (1917-1922)"--Jan. 14, 2013 (in Russian)
SO1 Bruce O’Neill (Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology; Saint Louis University): "On Superfluity: Boredom and Homelessness in Post-Communist Bucharest, Romania" -Oct 7, 2013 (in English)
SO2 Professor Sarah Oates, Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland: "GLASNOST’ 2.0" (Horizons of Knowledge Lecture) --Oct 25, 2013
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